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韩连潮(北京外交学院毕业,耶鲁大学法学博士,约翰霍布金斯大学博士,执业律师),美国哈德逊研究所客座研究员韩连潮博士。韩连潮博士曾在美国国会工作12年,先后为3名参议员工作,担任过参议院共和党副党鞭的政策主任,参与一些高层决策。Dr. Lianchao Han is a Visiting Fellow at Hudson, working on the Institute’s Future of Innovation Initiative. He worked in the U.S. Senate for 12 years, serving as legislative counsel and policy director for three active U.S. Senators, responsible for legislative strategy in the areas of federal budget, taxation, Social Security and economic policy.Dr. Han is a patent attorney and specializes in intellectual property protection strategies and innovation-related issues. Dr. Han is also an expert on China’s economic and political development.He currently serves as Vice President of Initiatives for China, a grassroots organization dedicated to advancing a peaceful transition to democracy in China. Dr. Han holds graduate degrees from China Foreign Affairs University, Yale University, George Mason University and Johns Hopkins University.韩连潮博士负责联邦预算、税收、社会保障和经济政策等领域的立法战略。韩博士是一个专利律师,专注于知识产权保护战略和创新相关的问题。韩博士也是中国经济和政治发展的专家。他是80年代全美学自联的负责人之一,一个基层组织致力于推进中国的和平过渡到民主。韩博士持有外交学院、耶鲁大学、乔治梅森大学和约翰霍普金斯大学的研究生学位。

韩连潮简介: 韩连潮博客: 韩连潮推特 韩连潮文集:

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